
Romans 1:20 tells us that in that which is seen (His Creation), we can begin to see that which is unseen (The Creator). It is with this understanding, that we seek to help people know and understand our Lord in some of the most beautiful Creation on earth.

Throughout Scripture, there has always been something special about the mountains. From Moses hearing from God on Mount Sinai to Jesus giving a few of His disciples a small taste of His majesty on the Mount of Transfiguration, “mountaintop” experiences are special to the Lord. While we know that God can touch hearts and minds anywhere He chooses, we have often seen Him use the Colorado high country for a special touch.

The staff at BHM loves to see God connect with His people as we share some our favorite spots with them. As we watch an incredible sunset from a high alpine lake or “listen” to the silence of a snow-covered forest, we can’t help but connect with God in ways many have never experienced.

Anyone can look at a picture of a beautiful place and appreciate God’s handiwork, but it is only as you use all of your senses that the true majesty of Creation and it’s Creator are fully appreciated.