October 2018 Newsletter

Prayer and Praises

Praise God for the way He brings pastors and missionaries to us for refreshment and for providing a safe place.

We Praise God for each of you and are grateful for how you bless us so we can bless others.

Please pray for Annette and me to walk humbly and intimately with the Lord each day and listen to his voice.

Pray for us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, have discernment and be safe people for the variety of folks that come our way as well as the ones we travel to see.

We Praise God for the Women’s Retreat in Cyprus. Please pray God will minister to each of these dear women.

Please pray for Andrew and Kate to continue to fall deeper in love with Jesus. Both are doing quite well and we praise the Lord for both of them.

Please Pray for us as we continue to transition to being empty-nesters! Not sure we like it much!

Please Pray for the pastors and missionaries and their families who will be joining us this fall. Pray they will find the refreshment and input they need to continue to minister from a place of fullness!


Read the October Newsletter HERE