Helping People Take Their Next Step

We believe that everyone is on a journey and everyone has a next step that they will take.  Big Horn Ministries exists so that a person’s next step will be one closer to Christ. Relationships and Recreation in God’s Creation are the context for people to take this next step.


Bighorn Ministries in Ohio City, Colorado


Relationship is at the core of who God is (The Trinity) and how He intends for us to function and grow. We believe that it is in the context of relationships that we can take our next step closer to Christ.

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One of God’s greatest blessings to us is the ability to enjoy His Creation. While looking at a beautiful alpine valley is great, hiking through it and seeing all the secret “nooks and crannies” is much more powerful. And while watching a cascading mountain stream is nice, standing in it while casting a delicate fly to a hungry trout or shooting it’s rapids in kayak or raft is infinitely more enjoyable.

Enjoy His Creation
Hunt of a lifetime


Romans 1:20 tells us that in that which is seen (His Creation), we can begin to see that which is unseen (The Creator). It is with this understanding, that we seek to help people know and understand our Lord in some of the most beautiful Creation on earth.

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Get Started On Your Next Steps

We know the busyness of life, especially for those in full-time ministry, can be overwhelming.

Take Your Next Steps Today!


“God created us body, soul and spirit. Too few of us take the time to get outside, use our bodies and enjoy the creation. Spending some time at Big Horn Ministries will renew your body and your spirit and allow you to hear God’s voice in your life more clearly.”

Cameron Syke, Vice President Global Connection International

Big Horn Ministries

Cameron Syke, Vice President Global Connection International

“God created us body, soul and spirit. Too few of us take the time to get outside, use our bodies and enjoy the creation. Spending some time at Big Horn Ministries will renew your body and your spirit and allow you to hear God’s voice in your life more clearly.”
“Big Horn Ministries is a dream that has become a reality and it is set in a special place. I have known the Nicholl family for 18 years and I am always drawn to be with them wherever they are. God speaks to me through them and shows Himself to me every time I am at the Big Horn. Take time to be with them and God will show Himself to you, too.”

John Lamb, Regional Director Campus Crusade for Christ

Big Horn Ministries

John Lamb, Regional Director Campus Crusade for Christ

“Big Horn Ministries is a dream that has become a reality and it is set in a special place. I have known the Nicholl family for 18 years and I am always drawn to be with them wherever they are. God speaks to me through them and shows Himself to me every time I am at the Big Horn. Take time to be with them and God will show Himself to you, too.”
“My time spent at Big Horn provided me with exactly what I needed in my life at this time. I found a place to be alone with the Lord. A place of quiet and solitude where I could hear Him speak to me and I could speak with Him.”

Mike Peterson, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Waldoboro, Maine

Big Horn Ministries

Mike Peterson, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Waldoboro, Maine

“My time spent at Big Horn provided me with exactly what I needed in my life at this time. I found a place to be alone with the Lord. A place of quiet and solitude where I could hear Him speak to me and I could speak with Him.”
“In a day and age where most people live at a frenzied pace and have shallow relationships, Big Horn Ministries offers an opportunity to step away from the day to day insanity and regain perspective. You will find solitude, a recreational haven, a sanctuary of natural beauty and a staff team that is committed to serving you back into wholeness.”

Doug Pollock, author/speaker Athletes in Action

Big Horn Ministries

Doug Pollock, author/speaker Athletes in Action

“In a day and age where most people live at a frenzied pace and have shallow relationships, Big Horn Ministries offers an opportunity to step away from the day to day insanity and regain perspective. You will find solitude, a recreational haven, a sanctuary of natural beauty and a staff team that is committed to serving you back into wholeness.”

Spence and Annette Nicholl are the closest thing we have to a pastor. They keep us "in the game." They shepherd our hearts, renew our spirits and challenge us with new ideas and adventures in such a fun and natural way, we hardly know what they are doing until its done! We plan our whole year around the time we block out to spend at Big Horn Ministries. For us, it is the only time we get to experience God apart from the pressure, pain and people of ministry that tend to crowd out the face of God. It gives our whole family something to look forward to and keeps all of us healthy physically, spiritually and emotionally. We believe our kids will have a healthier view of God because of the time we spend with the Nicholls and that, in and of itself, is worth the 24 hour drive out there!

Jeff and Christy Murphy – pastor and church planters of My Church, Columbus, GA

Big Horn Ministries

Jeff and Christy Murphy – pastor and church planters of My Church, Columbus, GA

Spence and Annette Nicholl are the closest thing we have to a pastor. They keep us "in the game." They shepherd our hearts, renew our spirits and challenge us with new ideas and adventures in such a fun and natural way, we hardly know what they are doing until its done! We plan our whole year around the time we block out to spend at Big Horn Ministries. For us, it is the only time we get to experience God apart from the pressure, pain and people of ministry that tend to crowd out the face of God. It gives our whole family something to look forward to and keeps all of us healthy physically, spiritually and emotionally. We believe our kids will have a healthier view of God because of the time we spend with the Nicholls and that, in and of itself, is worth the 24 hour drive out there!
Big Horn Ministries